Customs & Compliance

Customs Experts.

Customs and compliance are crucial in global logistics, ensuring that goods move seamlessly across borders. At Mapcargo, we distinguish ourselves by offering personalised guidance from real experts who manage your logistics journey from start to finish. Our dedicated team ensures that every step adheres to international standards, minimising delays and maximising efficiency.

Trusted Globally

Our specialised customs brokerage department offers comprehensive customs clearance services for both import and export shipments at all UK ports. Leveraging our deep expertise in UK customs regulations, we provide expert guidance and assistance to importers and exporters worldwide. You can trust that your shipments are in capable hands, navigating the complexities of global trade with ease and precision.

Customs links to all major UK customs ports

UK Import & Export declarations

Collaborate closely with European agents to arrange clearances within the UK

Carnets and Temporary procedures

Bulk and E-commerce customs entries & clearances

Duty preferences & Licensing

T1 Bonded transit procedures

ETSF Bonded warehousing

AEO Status

Customs compliance and Duty management


Along with our specialist partners, we ensure our clients are compliant and protected. We assist in leveraging the appropriate commodity codes and customs regimes, ensuring accuracy and efficiency. With our team of customs experts boasting extensive experience, we provide:

Commodity code assistance, ensuring accurate classifications with customs-approved interpretations

Defence against misdeclarations and potential liabilities

Potential cost savings through correct classifications

Auditing processes, customs compliance, and negotiation

Rest assured, your customs matters are in capable hands, providing you with peace of mind.

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