Modern Slavery Statement
Mapcargo International Ltd is resolute in its commitment to preventing modern slavery and human trafficking throughout its business and supply chain.
We maintain a zero-tolerance stance towards all forms of modern slavery, human trafficking, corruption, and bribery, both directly and indirectly associated with these illegal activities.
Mapcargo considers that modern slavery encompasses:
Human Trafficking;
Forced Work, through mental or Physical threat;
Being owned or controlled by an employer through mental or physical abuse of the threat of abuse;
Being dehumanised, treated as a commodity or being bought or sold as property;
Being physically constrained or to have restriction placed on freedom of movement.
Our comprehensive policies underpin our commitment to conducting business with ethics and integrity.
We hold our suppliers to the same high standards we set for ourselves. Our ongoing efforts are centred on enhancing the efficiency of our systems and controls to ensure robust safeguards against any manifestations of modern slavery or human trafficking.
About Mapcargo International Ltd
Mapcargo International Ltd is a leading global logistics company specialising in providing multimodal supply chain solutions on a global scale. We are dedicated to ensuring efficient and responsible logistics services worldwide.
Overview of the Modern Slavery Act 2015
The Modern Slavery Act 2015 is a fundamental component of our commitment to combat modern slavery and human trafficking in all aspects of our operations. We acknowledge the importance of preventing exploitation and promoting ethical practices throughout our organisation.
Our Policies
Mapcargo International Ltd has established a comprehensive set of policies to address and prevent modern slavery within our organization. Our policies include:
Anti-Bribery: We maintain a robust anti-bribery policy to ensure that all business dealings are conducted with integrity and transparency.
Code of Conduct: Our Code of Conduct outlines our commitment to ethical behaviour, which includes a zero-tolerance stance towards modern slavery.
Recruitment: Our recruitment policies emphasise ethical hiring practices, ensuring that workers' rights and dignity are protected.
Employment: We maintain employment policies that prioritise fair labour practices and the protection of employee rights.
Employee handbook: Which explains our ethical standards as an organisation on how we expect our employee to act.
Whistleblowing: We offer a whistleblowing mechanism that allows employees and stakeholders to report concerns or suspicions of modern slavery anonymously.
Our Practices
Our practices are designed to actively combat modern slavery and include:
Combatting Trafficking Persons Standard: We adhere to global standards and best practices in our efforts to combat human trafficking, ensuring our operations remain free from such practices.
Employee Assistance Programme (EAP): We provide an Employee Assistance Programme to support the well-being of our employees and offer assistance to those affected by modern slavery.
Employment Policies Promoting a Safe and Inclusive Workplace: We maintain policies that create a safe, inclusive, and diverse work environment, protecting the rights and dignity of all employees.
Our Plans for the Future Mapcargo International Ltd remains dedicated to continuous improvement in our efforts to eradicate modern slavery. We plan on taking the following steps to educate our employees and understand the risk in our supply chain: -
Employee Induction Plans: We will integrate modern slavery act and policy training into our employee induction processes to ensure all employees are well-informed.
Staff Training: Regular training sessions will be conducted to ensure that all staff members are aware of the Modern Slavery Act and our policies.
Enhanced New Supplier Process: We will implement a supplier process and checklist to thoroughly evaluate potential partners and suppliers, ensuring they meet our stringent ethical standards.
Supplier Audits: We will conduct supplier audits to ensure adherence to our Supplier Code of Conduct and implement remediation actions where necessary.
Mapcargo International Ltd is fully committed to building a future free from modern slavery and will consistently strive to meet and exceed the expectations set forth by the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
This statement is in accordance with 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has been approved by the Board of Directors.
Mark Hawkins
Managing Director