Fashion & Retail

Logistics Experts.

At Mapcargo, we understand the complexities of fashion logistics and the industry's demanding pressures. Servicing numerous high street retailers globally, our contracts, handled either by Mapcargo or our partners, encompass comprehensive supply-chain management. This includes financial services, IT solutions, property management, engineering support, store-specific value-added services, and general supply chain consultancy.

Trusted Globally

  • Comprehensive warehousing, pick and pack, and distribution services, encompassing inter-shore transfers, product launches, recalls, and standard store replenishment 

  • End-to-end solutions and support

  • Serving domestic, regional, and international markets 

  • Capacity to meet peak demand (seasonal)

  • Fully integrated PO Management system 

  • Visibility and tracking software 

  • Offering pre-retailing services for retail, wholesale, and business-to-consumer (B2C) processes 

  • Opportunities to expand our services to include supplier collections (domestic, pan-international, and worldwide)

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